Utopia Clivias wins Clivia Society photographic competitions

The Clivia Society 2023 Photographic competition: runner up in the Miniata category proudly displayed on the inside cover of the latest issue of Yearbook 24. Inside cover: Runner up- Carrie Kruger.

Clivia Society 2023 Photographic competition: winner of the single flower Category: Carrie Kruger

Clivia Society 2023 Photographic competition: winner of Art Category: Carrie Kruger

Clivia Society 2023 Photographic competition: winner of the Interspecific Category: Carrie Kruger


2022 Clivia Society Photography competition: Top three positions  Carrie Krüger , Roger Dinsdale and Carrie Krüger


Photographic Competition of the Clivia Society 2021: Best Photo miniata winner:Carrie Kruger


Photographic Competition of the Clivia Society 2020: Best Photo miniata winner:Carrie Kruger