Utopia Clivias


Specie varieties

SPCaul 1 Mature Caulesence

Flowering size plants of this rare species found in the eastern part of the Mpumalanga and Limpopo Provinces with the most northern localities in the Soutpansberg, Limpopo Province and the most southern in the Sodenza Range on the border of Swaziland and Mpumalanga. 500 mm to 1500 mm in height. Mature plants form long, leaf-bearing aerial stems up to 1 metre and more with age, reaching up to 3 m in exceptional cases.

SPROB 1 Mixed Robusta

Mature mixed Robusta plants. The biggest of the clivias, this species grows up to 1.8 metres high, with an aerial stem of up to 450 mm with buttress roots when growing in swampy conditions. It occurs commonly under natural forest cover, in or near water in a marshy environment, with some populations growing in seepage areas on or below cliffs in humus‑rich soils. They are endemic to the Pondoland Centre of endemism, with a distribution from Port St. Johns in the south to the Mzimkulu River in the north.

UT24GAR8 Gardenii x Caulescens

Beautiful first flower of a cross between two species. Tall plant with handsome leaves like Caulescens. Good flower count on this first umbel. Interesting plant to work with.